Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It was so nice to know that Frankie is safe this Halloween, and we told him that too.  He started giving eye kisses lately and he is not so spazy anymore, I am guessing he began to learn from the other kitties how to behave although...at breakfast he has no manners!  Talk about Frankie Yankie the New Yorker; "GIVE ME MY FOOD NOW WHILE I AM KNOCKING EVERYBODY DOWN" 

We have an appt for his physical for next week.  I suspect he has herpes and although he gets lysine everyday I am not sure it does much for him.  I have to call Dr Nan, our holistic vet and see what else can we do.  The intro process is still going on...He still feels the safest in the kitchen but we make efforts daily to integrate him in the rest of the house and make the others understand that he is our child just like they are.

Tubi scared us terribly this past Friday.  He had a dental and had a very bad reaction to the anesthesia. His body temperature rose to 107.5 and they had to give him cold baths and cool off his ears and paws with alcohol.  Thank God he remained conscious and did not seize through this ordeal.  He recovered fully but he had a swollen and red butt poor little guy from having his temp taken every 15 minutes.  He was thrilled to be home that evening.  The two teeth they extracted had very bad RLs and must have caused him tremendous pain...

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