Friday, July 20, 2012

Frankie's new name

Frankie has a new name and it is Frankie Mascarpone, those of you who make Tiramisu cake from scratch will understand...I haven't made Tiramisu in over a year, so last week I bought some good Mascarpone cheese and lady fingers and set about to making it.

As I started mixing the Mascarpone and the egg yolks, who appears next to me looking right up with his big googely eyes?  Yes, that's right, Frankie!  I put some Mascarpone on his lips, it got all over his whiskers and he looked hilarious with the white against black contrast.  He proceeded to eat it all up and asked for more...So there you have it, the story of the new name.  I must say it fits him really well, because he is our "Italian" kitty boy, with a personality that fits perfectly...

On a second note about vintage jewelry, I bought today a very nice lemon colored thermoset set consisting of an extra wide bracelet and matching earrings; will be putting it in my shop soon.

Stop by and cehck out all the new unusual additions!!!