Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October is here!

The kitties are enjoying their naps on rainy days and seek the sunlight through the house.

Frankie continues to adjust to his new life and spends his day in the kitchen, most of the time sleeping on my chair at the dining table.  In the mornings he ventures up on the windowsill in the laundry room to watch the critters and the leaves.  Eventually he runs up to the kitchen.  Leo still likes to pester him and corner him and therefore acquired a couple of mild scratches on his forehead and nose.  I keep telling him "See, this is what you get if you bother Frankie, he will smack you back!"

I can't wait to begin playing sessions with him but they all need more adjusting to Frankie being in the house.  We have some very needy and jealous kitties here...

I have been talking a lot lately to our RB babies.  I miss their quietness and peacefullness and can't but cry thinking of how calming Sammy's demeanour was.  All I needed was to look in his big loving eyes and all was better suddenly.  I will forever hold a very special place in my heart for senior kitties!