Sweet Pea is the latest addition to our cat family. He is a former feral (and I mean feral not stray) who joined our family on Dec 22nd, 2009. We fed him in our backyard for about 6mos before trapping him on Dec 22nd when we took him to the vet and had him checked out, neutered etc. The first five months felt like eternity, because these were the months when we first socialized him and then introduced him to the rest of our crew. I shed a lot of tears and had so much fear that he would not allow us into his world but he did and he is a blessing and a wonderful soul. Leo did not accept him for a while and was very angry, but after a rigorous introduction process, they are now best of friends. They chortle, and play tag, and wrestle and then play some more…Truly a miracle.
I met some unbelievable feral cat rescuers and animal communicators who gave us tremendous advice on how to handle Sweet Pea. Today he is fully integrated in the house and acts like a regular "house" cat. We can pick him up and handle him to a certain extent, and all this came with a lot of work and patience. Three weeks ago he had a full physical including blood work and a dental (with three extractions). I was so worried about this vet visit, but it all worked out well. I could tell his breath was getting bad and the supplements from the holistic vet did not help much. We knew he needed a dental, the issue was how to get him to Dr Wendi. We had to sedate him because there was no way we would attempt to just put him in a carrier. Poor thing had three teeth extracted due to resorptive lessions and one of them was in horrible shape. I can imagine the pain that he was in, but he never showed any signs of it. Cats are masters at hiding pain...
He was happy before but now he is thrilled and shows us every day how great his mouth feels!
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